The Assistant Director in filmmaking - Basic level Basic requirements for the job of an AD in a movie project across Scripting,Pre-production,Production & Post-ProductionRating: 4.2 out of 545 reviews1.5 total hours8 lecturesBeginnerCurrent price: $17.99Original price: $29.99

The Assistant Director in filmmaking - Basic level
Basic requirements for the job of an AD in a movie project across Scripting,Pre-production,Production & Post-ProductionRating: 4.2 out of 545 reviews1.5 total hours8 lecturesBeginnerCurrent price: $17.99Original price: $29.99
The Assistant Director in filmmaking - Basic level Basic requirements for the job of an AD in a movie project across Scripting,Pre-production,Production & Post-ProductionRating: 4.2 out of 545 reviews1.5 total hours8 lecturesBeginnerCurrent price: $17.99Original price: $29.99
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