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EPC Calculator (Earnings Per Click)
This JavaScript tool will calculator your exact earnings per click. You can also use the tool to calculate how much extra revenue your campaign will earn if the EPC increases.
The amount of revenue that was generated by the campaign.
The number of clicks that it recieved.
Adjust for Affiliate Marketers?
Check the box to multiply by 100.
Calculate EPC
Press the button to calculate the earnings per click.
You will see your earnings per click displayed here.
Earnings Per Click Improvement/Loss Calculator
Copy Data
Click this button to copy the data from the above calculator.
The amount of revenue that was generated by the campaign.
This is the old earnings per click. Note: This calculator will ignore dollars signs.
Enter the new or desired EPC.
This button will calculate the exact improvement (or loss) of revenue.
The amount of extra revenue based upon the amount clicks you entered. Loses will be negative.

What Does EPC Mean in Affiliate Marketing?

Earnings per click (EPC) is a significant metric in the realm of affiliate marketing, which provides valuable insights into the average revenue generated with each click on your affiliate links.

Understanding the monetary value associated with each click is crucial for calculating your overall affiliate marketing earnings and identifying the affiliate programs that yield the best results, leading to higher commissions.Furthermore, affiliate marketing networks often present EPC data to assist affiliate marketers in assessing and comparing their potential earnings with those of other merchants.Whether you are managing an affiliate program or sharing affiliate links from partner companies, EPC affiliate is a vital metric for achieving success in your campaigns. In essence, EPC serves as an indicator of your earning potential in the affiliate marketing landscape.

The Significance of EPC for Affiliate Marketers

Many affiliate marketers have limited knowledge about the EPC marketing metric and its calculation. Instead, they are more familiar with another widely known term in marketing: Cost per Click (CPC).
Although EPC stands for earnings per click, this term can be slightly misleading. The EPC formula indicates the value derived from the clicks obtained, rather than solely the value of an individual click. It is acost-per-click formula that enables the analysis of data on multiple clicks simultaneously, providing a result of your earnings per 100 clicks.
EPC serves as a valuable analytical metric for affiliates and is a commonly used payment structure for affiliate websites.
It's important to consider the following:
  • An individual action such as a click may not generate any revenue.
  • Having a high bounce rate or a large number of clicks that do not result in sales or sign-ups may not lead to earnings.
Furthermore, since different types of purchases or sign-ups can result in varying commission amounts, accurately calculating your clicks is essential.

How is EPC Calculated?

The calculation is quite straightforward:
EPC = the total amount of commissions you earn divided by the number of clicks your affiliate links had.
That's all there is to it!
For example, let's say you ran ads for an affiliate product and made a total profit of $100 from the campaign. These earnings came from 50 clicks on your affiliate link. In this case, your EPC would be calculated as $100 (profit) divided by 50 (clicks), resulting in an EPC of $2.Furthermore, many affiliate marketing platforms provide this information to affiliate marketers. They calculate the average EPC of their products, which is sometimes referred to as "network EPC" since it represents the average across their network of partners.These affiliate programs that offer earnings per click data assist you in making more informed choices when selecting your affiliate products.Now, you might be thinking:If you know both your earnings per click (EPC) and your cost per click (CPC), why not simply choose products with a higher EPC than CPC and advertise those affiliate links extensively?That way, you're likely to earn more than you spend, right?Well, it's not that simple.The issue is that EPC values are average figures and may vary among different affiliate partners. One person may have an EPC of $3.00 for a particular product, while another might have an EPC of $1.00. So, the average EPC is $2.00.However, your specific marketing strategy may not yield the exact same result as the average EPC suggests.This is why blindly selecting a product solely based on the highest EPC in an affiliate program is not as foolproof as it may seem.The only way to determine your own EPC on affiliate links is to test and evaluate it yourself.In the remaining sections of this article, we will delve into the methods of boosting your EPC to drive more affiliate sales quickly.

6 Simple Ways to Improve Your Earnings Per Click (EPC)

Here are the six simple ways to improve your earnings per click (EPC):1. Exit-Intent PopupsRe-engagement is a valuable strategy in digital marketing. You have the opportunity to create a targeted exit-intent popup for your affiliate product and display it on your website. How does the exit-intent popup work for affiliate products?When visitors indicate an intention to abandon your site while browsing a specific web page, they will encounter a popup.On the exit popup, you can present an enticing offer and include a call-to-action button that directs users to your affiliate products. If your audience shows interest and makes a purchase, you earn money.The great advantage is that you can generate earnings solely from your organic traffic, eliminating the need for costly affiliate ad campaigns. This results in lower advertising expenses, higher EPC, and increased overall profit.To implement exit-intent pop-ups, you can rely on tools like OptinMonster. The potential of OptinMonster has been discussed in detail in our blog post on top affiliate marketing tools.2. Target with a Non-Intrusive Floating BarConcerns about popups potentially harming user experience (UX) often worry digital marketers and website owners. However, in most cases, these concerns are unfounded. When employed correctly, popups can be highly effective in converting passive traffic into customers.Floating bars, in particular, are a user-friendly type of popup that is widely utilized by global brands on their websites. These popups appear at the top of a web page without obstructing the user's view of the content.We recommend targeting floating bar popups on specific pages, although they can also be effective when displayed sitewide. Regardless of the location chosen for displaying a floating bar campaign, it can significantly enhance your EPC marketing efforts and drive more affiliate sales.3. Link to the Highest BidderCompetition within the marketplace plays a crucial role in elevating EPC. The greater the competition, the higher the earnings per click will be.Therefore, it is essential for online publishers to establish connections with the highest-paying merchant. By doing so, they can secure the highest payouts for their links.4. Use Affiliate Links in Your Blog PostsAn effective method to enhance your EPC marketing endeavors is by seamlessly integrating affiliate links into your blog posts. Marketers are well aware that creating valuable and high-quality content can drive a significant amount of organic traffic to your website. If you already maintain a consistent blog page on your site, you can start crafting content focused on your affiliate products, always prioritizing value.Whether you currently have a blog or are planning to start one, it is crucial to adhere to the best SEO practices. This ensures higher rankings on search engines and attracts more visitors to your site.Once you have established a solid readership, you can embed affiliate links directly into your content to drive more sales.
The most popular types of content for incorporating affiliate links include:
  • Product reviews
  • Resource pages
It is important to note that in accordance with FTC guidelines, it is advisable to notify your readers whenever you include an affiliate link in your content.5. Focus on Fast HostingOne aspect that many affiliate marketers overlook when it comes to EPC is the importance of website speed. If you fail to provide a seamless and engaging user experience, visitors are less likely to click on your affiliate links, in-content links, or ads.
According to a study, the average website load time is 10.3 seconds on desktops and 27.3 seconds on mobile devices. Even a mere one-second delay can have detrimental effects, including:
  • Decrease in pageviews by 11%
  • Decrease in conversions by 7%
  • Decrease in customer satisfaction by 16%
To ensure that you can attract and retain visitors, it is crucial to maintain fast and reliable hosting. By optimizing your website's speed, you can generate more clicks to your affiliate links, ultimately leading to higher EPC.6. Leverage Affiliate Marketing Through Email Series
Using affiliate email marketing sequences is an effective method to improve your EPC marketing. However, mind that adding affiliate links to email can either;
  • Bring very high profits.
  • Get you banned from your email service provider.
The difference between the two results ultimately depends on your approach.Email service providers don’t want spam emails at all because it hurts their open rate percentages. When email automation services see an expansive email list sending out campaigns full of affiliate links, they perceive it as spam and shut it down.But that doesn’t mean you can’t add affiliate links to your emails. You just need to make sure to create an email series that doesn’t look spammy.You need to provide value in your content and then highlight your affiliate products.
Your automated email series for EPC marketing can look something like this:
  • Welcome email
  • Sharing Content
  • Lead nurturing to build a connection
  • Affiliate link email
  • More content sharing
  • Nurturing
  • Affiliate link email
And that’s it! Don’t forget to test and tweak your copy to get the best results.