Shh! Keep it a secret! Guide to saving tons if you're still shopping this year.

Tempted to discover our saving secrets?
We have put together a little helpful guide for you to follow throughout the rest of the year to make sure you can make the most out of the deals on offer. Arranged in a month to month basis, and as the new year starts we will keep you updated.
Yet, as it is coming to the end of the year, we have created a simple guide separated into three sections under each month for you.
Each month has a section called ‘best things to buy’ – this is a simple three bullet point system with the best things to buy that particular month, and a small description.
Consequently, the next subheading is ‘dates to remember’. This heading differs in length in each month, as some months are very popular with deals, and some simply are a little more relaxed.
Find here dates to put in your calendar to make sure you don’t miss a deal! Then finally, there is a ‘facts about saving this month’ section. This can range between telling you percentage wise how much you are saving buying items that particular month and also some facts about sales in that month also.
Our aim is to help guide you through the year making savings every month and utilising the tips we are offering to help you get there!
We have also created a small graphic, that is sometimes easier for people to comprehend and goes into less details but gives you an idea on what you can save on for every month throughout the year.
Best thing to shop in October:
The month of halloween and all things spooky! As you decorate your house ready for trick or treaters, you can also make a huge saving this month. As items start to go on sale after the summer period. October is the perfect time to do some retail therapy.
Best things to buy in October:
- Outdoor furniture: People spend less on outdoors when the temperature drops. Expect deals on these living products when summer ends. As, did you know? Buying garden furniture this month, you can save up to 41% off items such as Rattan three pieces. Also, If you buy a lawnmower this month, you can save up to 32% off the recommended retail price.
- Jeans: Fall/Autumn inventory arrives in stores and online in August and September, therefore if you wait a little while until October you can make a real saving on a new pair of jeans.
- Candy/sweets: The closer to October 31st we get, the cheaper the candy gets. Wait until the end of October and you could completely stock up on discounted family size bags of sweets
Dates to remember in October:
- 31st October:
Halloween is popular almost everywhere. Halloween is best known for costumes, makeup and decorations and those will all become more discounted the closer to the date we get. If you miss this, you could simply stock up halloween items for the next year.
Another thing to think about: As the summer ends, things discount dramatically and as the seasons end, which is usually around October time before we ready ourselves for winter, a lot of things will get discounted.
Best thing to buy in November:
As it gets closer to Christmas, customers love a saving to help them buy more for the festive period ahead.
Also this is the month it is the Black Friday sales, Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday. So a lot of things you wish to buy this month would be discounted or in a deal of some sort, so hunt for the best items for you, while they are on offer.
Best things to buy in November:
Through research, even during these days that are known for discounts and deals the best things to buy are all electronic. Such as:
- Gaming systems – You can buy discounted game consoles as well as gaming system bundles during this time of year, considering E3 is only in June they are likely to be new-ish games and consoles.
- Tablets and Laptops – Look for discounts on smartphones, fit-bit’s and laptops as they take centre stage this time of year.
- Home Appliances – reserve buying your major home appliances for the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. Sales are often found on these items throughout this month.
Dates to remember in November:
- 22nd – Thanksgiving – Obviously this is a mainly American holiday, but some worldwide sites offer worldwide offers for this holiday.
- 23rd – Black Friday – Known for its amazing discount deals, Black Friday is becoming more and more popular as the years progress and its suspected to only grow. Get yourself ready for the chaos of Black Friday by shopping early online.
- 26th – Cyber Monday – The lesser known day of deals, this day is mainly known for its tech deals, so if thats what you’re into, make a note of this day in your calendar.
Did you know in November?
As this is the month of sales and deals, there are not many statistics however there are surrounding the gravity of the discount holiday itself which is worth sharing with you. It can help you understand how much of a saving you can make and how competitive it will be this month.
As during November, 174 million Americans shopping between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday spent $335 per person!
With 50% of shoppers saying that they prefer to shop online, for its comfortability and convenience at this time of year!
Finally, as designer brands become more and more popular. The retailers seem to be following the discount trend. Fendi, Tom Ford, Prada and Balenciaga are all reducing there luxury items by up 50% which is an increase from last year by about 20%.
Best thing to buy in December:
December can both prove to be expensive and cheap. As the year comes to an end, there are many discounts for select products. Before you bundle up ready to get all cosy in front of the fire surrounded by loved ones and gifts, here are a few tips and advice on how to get through the festive period with money left in your pocket at the end of it.
This month is for enjoying time with your family and friends, making amazing memories and with our help you won’t have to spend too much to show your loved ones how much you care. Here’s our guide for the month of December
Best things to buy in December:
- Christmas decorations – Starting literally the day after Christmas, retailers start selling there left over stock at incredibly discounted prices. This is the perfect time to stock up for the following year if you can as sometimes the items are discounted by 50%+.
- Cars – Dealerships are eager to meet end of year sales quotas, so buying a new car at this time of year is ideal! Help them, help you! If you are looking to buy cars this month, you could pick up a 2 seater sports car for 21% off its original retail price. Also being able to buy a multi-person vehicle for 30% off this month, as well as being able to purchase a Van for 32% less in December.
- Toys – Toys are definitely one of the most popular Christmas gifts. However as the holiday draws to a close, retailers usually host huge toy sales, to sell their leftover stock.
Dates to remember in December:
- 2nd December: Small Business Saturday:
This is the first Saturday of every December with over 16.5 million people shopping in a small independent business on that day. However, only 64% of UK consumers were aware of the day and only 55% of local authors supporting the campaign. Yet, they are expected to dramatically rise in 2018, so pencil this in your diary.
- 15th December: Free Shipping Day:
This is 10 days before Christmas and I bet people will still be searching and purchasing Christmas gifts this close to the day. It is guaranteed free shipping and is bound to arrive before December. So if you do wait until then, remember this day and you can make a saving off delivery.
- 25th December: Although people really are not wanting to be purchasing items on Christmas Day.
This is more of a day to remember for stores, than consumers as most consumers will prefer to be at home having Christmas dinner and drinks instead. However stores will be reducing items now ready for the next day, so remember that and you could make a real saving! Also as the day comes to an end, it can be nice to shop online with your holiday money, you could also make quite a saving that way.
- 26th December: Boxing Day Sales:
Even though sales are appearing more and more throughout the year, Boxing Day sales are still one of the biggest deals in the savings calendar. Boxing Day Sales have surpassed the one billion mark for the first time this year. This is a good chance to buy new products, Also, many people receive vouchers on Christmas Days that you can still use on Boxing Day.
This was our guide for the last few months of 2018, we want to guide you towards the best deals for you throughout the year.That being said, we have also created a small graphic for you viewing ease. It is here as a little guide for you to know what sort of products are best to buy throughout the year!
The one thing you do need to remember is, it’s all about shopping around but at the right time. Even if you feel you have to have something immediately, it’s worth waiting for a bit to see if the prices vary. Generally, from month to month they do! So stay updated!