Collection Details

The Collection Details API is used to fetch all the details pertaining to a specific collection.This API accepts the collection ID as input and retrieves the information.{collection-id}

Sample output

    "id": "5fda07d1c9684200139824ca",
    "url": "",
    "order": 0,
    "name": "My Books ",
    "is_secret": true,
    "description": "Favorite Book Collection",
    "views": 125,
    "create_date": "2021-11-15T04:45:57.259Z",
          "url": ""
          "url": ""
          "url": ""
    "products": 3,
    "cover_image": "",

Response body

id: Unique collection ID

url: Collection URL

order: Display sequence/ sorting order of the collection

name: Name of the collection

is_secret: This flag represents the status (public/ private) of the collection

description: Description of the collection

views: No of views received for the collection

create_date: Date of creation of the collection in ISO 8601 format

tag_details: Array of details of the tags associated with the collection including tag name. slug and unique tag url

products: Number of products inside the collection

cover_image: The URL to the cover image of the collection.

Response status

Status Reason
500 Internal server error
200 Success
400 Invalid request parameters
405 API method is not allowed, contact admin to get access
401 Invalid authentication parameters